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Ready to go Electric? What to know Before Signing the Papers

You are at the stage where you know you want an electric car, intend to purchase it but are a little unclear on what hidden baggage, if any, may come with your new car. This is a great spot to be in. Knowing everything that comes with purchasing an electric vehicle is important. A new car purchase is almost akin to bringing home your first child. You want to make sure you have all the diapers necessary, meals prepped and ready for the next few weeks, clothes for the baby, a stroller, and not to mention a crib. Fortunately for us purchasing an electric car does not necessitate nine months of preparation and studying. We think after reading this article alone you should feel comfortable enough to know what to expect after your purchase and what you may need to get before your purchase.

F-150 Lightning vs Maverick Hybrid - Which is Better

Ford has come out with two new trucks that have been making a lot of waves in the automotive world. The Maverick and the F-150 Lightning are both amazing vehicles, but which one is better for you? We take a look at the specs and features of each truck to help you make your decision.

F-150 Lightning vs Cyber Truck - Ford vs Tesla

Possibly one of the most interesting matchups the automobile industry has ever seen. The Ford F-150 has been America’s number one truck for a long time and most likely will remain in the top spot for years to come. Known for its appeal, reliability and available options the F-150 is a name known to most Americans. This year the F-150 Lightning was introduced to the market, with incredible features and quite possibly, Ford’s most revolutionary vehicle yet. Tesla is a name now just as popular as Ford but it doesn’t have the longevity of the Ford name just yet. The Tesla brand is known for taking electric vehicles and making them accessible. Recently the name received fame for releasing their Cybertruck, which looks like a vehicle that came straight out of a sci-fi movie. These two vehicles are quite possibly the two most popular electric trucks, and one has not even hit the roads yet.

Can the Ford F-150 Lightning Sub in as a Solar Battery?

The F-150 Lightning is quite possibly one of the most revolutionary vehicles since Tesla became popular. This is because it brings the power of electricity to the forefront of American vehicles, in the form of the most American vehicle there is, the F series pick-up truck. The F-150 Lightning has been marketed quite well and everyone now knows the Lightning can power a home. Thus our topic of discussion today is how does this function compare to a normal solar battery?

2023 Ford F-150 Lightning Preview

The 2023 Ford F-150 Lightning, the second model year for this coveted EV truck, is coming soon to a dealership near you! Our preview guide is here to answer your questions about this hotly anticipated pickup.

What are the Maintenance Costs and Requirements for an Electric Car

Maintenance on cars is almost always a pain to deal with, whether you do it yourself or whether you take it in. With combustion engines there are quite a few things that we have been accustomed to getting fixed and updated every so often, we need oil changes every 3 to 5 thousand miles, brakes need replacing quite often, fluids need to be checked and moving parts that wear out have to be replaced.

Pricing was accurate at the time of article writing. All pricing is subject to change. See the manufacturer and/or Dealer for up-to-date pricing.