5202 Raeford Road, Fayetteville Click to Call
(910) 401-3209 5202 Raeford Road, Fayetteville
Get complimentary pickup and delivery of your vehicle when you service it at LaFayette Ford! No more waiting at the dealership. We know your time is valuable, and now we can help you save some of it!
Whether you are scheduling a service appointment for a recall, routine maintenance, or a repair, you can get free pickup and delivery. Plus any brand of vehicle we service can qualify. Click here for complete details and eligibility.
Make a service appointment
Indicate you want free pickup and delivery
Set the time and place for us to pick up your vehicle
Stay in Boss Mode with Ford Mobile Service. We come to you and service your vehicle on the spot. It’s part of You Mode -- The convenience of owning a Ford, made just for you.
Call us today to schedule your appointment!
*Please call ahead to confirm your service is available to be performed with our mobile unit. Ford Mobile Service may be limited based on availability, distance or other dealer-specified criteria. Does not include parts or repair charges.