As aforementioned, very little is necessary. Simply due to the lack of a combustion engine. While there is no oil or other engine fluids, there are still some fluids that electric vehicles have that need to be maintained and checked regularly. These are brake fluids, coolant and windshield wiper fluids. No need to check your oil levels or consistency anymore, electric vehicles really make owning a car a little easier in that aspect.
While there does not seem like much maintenance is necessary, there is a major reason that your electric vehicle may need to be taken in every so often to dealer services, and that is your warranty. Electric vehicles quite often have more extensive warranties, but to keep these warranties up to date regular checkups are required. Since these are covered under warranty and are required to keep the warranty in effect, they won’t affect your wallet and simply take up some time. Each warranty is a little different but make sure to get a clear answer on what is required to keep your warranty in effect.
You may think that brakes would need updating just as regularly as a combustion engine, if not more so since electric cars are heavier. The opposite is true for your electric vehicle. Very little maintenance is required on the brake pads simply because EVs use regenerative braking and there have been reports of electric vehicles going 200,000 miles without any need to replace or repair the brakes at all. Although this may be true, make sure to check your brake pads for wear and tear at regular intervals in your car’s life to make sure your brakes are in good shape.